Talent pool programs – programs allowing clients make up candidates pools for any position relevant both at the moment and in future. We offer two standard programs: base and extended; individual programs can be worked out as well, depending on client’s demands. In this case conditions are subject to additional discussion. Standard terms and conditions are enumerated below:

1. Base program
Basic stages of the project

Identification of
potential source
industries and companies
Forming a list
of potential candidates
Providing the
client with
the list
Quarterly update
of the list

Term: 2-4 weeks

Fee: single payment; quarterly payment

Order of payment: single payment upon providing the client with an applicants list; quarterly payment upon providing the client with an updated list

Additional conditions: the list of candidates is limited to 50 source companies

2. Extended program
Basic stages of the project

Identification of potential source industries and companies
Forming a list of potential candidates, providing the client with the list
Working out the list, interviewing the applicants (in case of public search)
Preparing and providing the client with a report on the interviews held
Update of the list every 6 months

Term: 2-3 months

Fee: single payment calculated on the basis of total annual compensation presupposed for the position; periodical payment for data update every six months

Order of payment: fixed payment upon providing the client with applicants list; the remainder is paid after providing the client with reports on interviews with applicants held; periodical payment every 6 months after providing the client with updated information about the candidates

Additional conditions: the project is conducted on an exclusive basis; the list of candidates is limited to 50 source companies; in case the clients hires one of the presented candidates, an additional fee is charged